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English-Hindi > good company

good company meaning in Hindi

good company sentence in Hindi
good    पुण्यात्मा
company    दल सोहबत मंडली
1.No road is long with good company.
अच्छे मित्र के साथ कोई भी मार्ग लंबा नहीं होता है.

2.Anyone who 's paying attention can see how dangerous it is to buy the stock of even very good companies if you pay an extraordinarily high price for them .
गौर करने वाल कोई भी व्यैक्त यह जान सकता है कि किसी भत अच्छी कंपनी के शेयर खरीदने के लिए अत्यधिक कीमत चुकाने का अंजाम क्या हो सकता है .

3.Although widely denounced (and in danger of losing his job) , Williams may be right about the Shari'a being unavoidable, for it is already getting entrenched in the West . A Dutch justice minister announced that “if two-thirds of the Dutch population should want to introduce the Shari'a tomorrow, then the possibility should exist.” A German judge referred to the Koran in a routine divorce case. A parallel Somali gar courts system already exists in Britain. These developments suggest that British appeasement concerning the war on terror, the nature of the family, and the rule of law are part of a larger pattern. Even more than the security threat posed by Islamist violence, these trends are challenging and perhaps will change the very nature of Western life. July 4, 2008 update : Rowan now has good company - the country's top judge, Lord Phillips of Worth Matravers , the lord chief justice. Christopher Hope and James Kirkup report in the Daily Telegraph that he
आस्ट्रेलिया ऐग्लिकन चर्च ने अपने चर्च के अग्रणी सदस्यों और अपने पूर्ववर्ती लार्ड फेरी सहित इसका विरोध किया। मेलानी फिलिप्स ने इस तर्क को असाधारण,बेतुका और गलत कहा । सन समाचार पत्र ने अपने सम्पादकीय में लिखा कैन्टरवरी के आर्कविशप रोवन विलियम्स को एक मूर्ख बूढ़ी बकरी कहकर तिरस्कृत करना आसान है। वास्तव में वह हमारे देश के लिए खतरा है। उन्होंने तीखा निष्कर्ष निकालते हुए कहा , कैन्टरबरी का आर्कविशप एक गलत चर्च में है।

How to say good company in Hindi and what is the meaning of good company in Hindi? good company Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.